Our Website is Not Error-Free

We are responsible for providing you with the most accurate and reliable information on our website, simcitybuiltitapk.com. However, we all, as humans, often make mistakes. While serving you, we can’t guarantee that everything will always be perfect.

Need to be well aware of External Links

Our website, https://simcitybuiltitapk.com, aims to link only trustworthy sources to protect privacy. Still, we must inform our users to avoid risk on those sites. So, we’re not responsible for the content of those third-party sites or any issues you face from visiting them.

Ensure Your Online Safety

We are working continuously to keep our website safe and secure. But there’s always a tiny risk of viruses or other harmful stuff. So, ensure you’re using a good internet source and protecting your devices.

We Always Keep Evolving

We always believe in updating and changing stuff on our website regularly. These updates include our content or even this disclaimer itself. Our purpose is to update you regularly whenever we make changes. So, please visit this site page regularly.

Got Questions? Contact Us!

It is one of our missions to stay connected with you so we can help you promptly whenever you get stuck.  We always ensure you can get the best of services which we can afford while visiting our site.  Still, if you have any concerns, you can contact us at [email protected] or through our social media platforms.